About Our Founder

Get to know our founder, Martin P. Stanch.

Our grandfather, Martin started Runnemede in 1946. Some of you may have met him, most not.

We'd like you to get to know him.

Grandpop was a very simple man and one of routine. He' lived in the same house for most of his adult life.

And with the simplicity of his action, he often brought simplicity of thought. He comes from a generation that knows hard work. A generation that knows that every job is important, no matter how small it may seem on the surface.

The Deptford Mall was pretty new on the scene in 1980. The Phillies were readying for their run at the pennant, and the hint of fall was in the air.

Grandpop didn’t shop. We've only ever seen him buy 3 things: gas, fishing bait, and snacks. But Grandmom didn’t drive, so if Grandmom wanted to go to the mall, it was Grandpop’s job to take her there. But this time he had company; a pair of 11 year old boys looking to eak a little more fun out of a waning summer.

As the owner of a small business, Grandpop understood how importance of every person's job. He knew that the work that one person performed had an impact on everyone else in the company, as well as their families and their customers.

'What a fine job you’ve done on that floor!' Grandpop said to the gentleman running the buffer across the vast mall floor. The man smiled his thanks as he changed the buffer pad on his huge machine. Grandpop then said to my brother and me; 'He has to work very hard to keep this floor looking so nice. Imagine how proud his coworkers are when they come into work every day; to see such a bright clean floor.'

Unfortunately, people too often take the 'simple' things for granted. They view everyone else’s challenges as trivial when compared to their own. But Grandpop had a good point about the floor cleaner. Too often it's a job that goes unnoticed. Everyone expects to see a sparkling floor in the mall and so no thought goes into its existence.

He may not have realized it (or maybe he did); but Grandpop was teaching us a very important lesson. It's the little things. Next time you are at the mall, take a moment to contemplate everything that had to happen to deliver that experience to you.

Then, give thanks.

Martin Stanch